
Friday, March 3, 2017


The annual BINGO night at the munchkins school was tonight. Pizza, games, auctions...good times!

Sporting my second pair of Lularoe's true they are like potato chips.

The kids brought home one number each to decorate for their big 100 days school project.

One of the most wanted items every year, the 2nd grade went for over $300. My second graders were bummed we didn't win...I saw how nuts it was for this item last year, so I told them there was no way we would get it LOL.

Face paint fun.

BINGO...we didn't win anything this year.

The littles got to play and build stuff.

They also played musical chairs for books.

Gone 3 hours for the kids bingo night and Yahtzee decides she wants a set of triplet boys too. Geesh the year is starting out quite bucky...hope my other girls give me some doe kids. I didn't miss this birth by more than 10 min. luckily, all the babies were wet, cold, and spread out all over the place.

A little hairdryer time and some help rubbing with towels and they were fine. The kids plan to name one of the babies BINGO.

Back out with Mom. Whew...2 down, no more babies expected until mid- late April. Fingers crossed for girls please!

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