
Friday, April 21, 2017

It's a GIRL!

Finally some good news! To say this years baby goat time has gone as smooth as last year is not quite accurate. Last year baby girls outweighed the boys, and I was present for both births. So far this year I have missed the birth of not one but TWO sets of triplet BOYS, today I missed yet another birth. Thankfully I finally have a GIRL!!
Miss Lena...ya did good, sure two does would have been nice but at least you gave me 1 little beauty.
Meet Camanna BTA Unsinkable Molly B.
Lena is an amazing mom...she loves that little baby.
Molly has some legs on her.
1 doeling 6 bucklings...3 moms still to kid. Molly will be staying here with us...fingers crossed for a few more girls please!

Just the cutest little bit. Can't wait to watch her grow.

The weather has not been great lately, Hooch is enjoying this little sun break.

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