
Sunday, April 9, 2017

Sun break!

Beautiful day...needed this break from the rain badly! Bummer it is not going to last long.
Lena and Classy got to join the rest of the girls to keep Hooch out.

Introductions went well.

Our first two batches of babies for the year are getting close to weaning and heading off to their homes. Our next momma due is Lena, hopefully sometime around April 20th!
Hooch is not impressed being away from his ladies. Even Willie is not a good enough roommate if you ask Hooch.

Willie just goes with whatever. Such a chill guy. He did not appreciate the hot wire we put up to try and contain Hooch though.

Big ginger sweetie!
Everyone loves Willie.

Our last Royal Palm standing. I got a batch of Bourbon Red turkey eggs to try and incubate...hopefully we get some to hatch.
UniPiggie and Chic will be off to their new home soon. A class mate of the triplets lives just down the road from us, they have decided to get pigs and goats from us. We are all so happy that Uni-Piggie and Simon especially will be close by.

So far Giles has hung around the property and doesn't stray far from his feed shed home base. Such a handsome kitty!

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