
Monday, May 22, 2017

3 miles...up hill, both ways.

Today we took the fam to check out Horsetail Falls. It was a beautiful day, and everyone had a blast.
Miss Rowan, Auntie loves you so much!
Lydia you crack me up...I love you silly baby!
I am so not ready to say goodbye to these two girls tomorrow...their trips always go by way too fast. They need to just move out here already.
For today's hike we gave each kiddo their own disposable camera...can't wait to get their pics back, they had so much fun being little photogs.

Little monkeys!

Horsetail Falls, so lovely.
It was hard to get them all to put down their cameras and sit for me LOL.

Jericho is such a pest...I need this for evidence. Just in case we get the side eye when we develop his camera, which I am sure will be full of butt shots LOL.

The kids were troopers...and they only gave me a couple small heart attacks.

Some amazing views up there.

Huge trees too.
The best spot.

So cool and refreshing behind the waterfall.

Some fresh water to drink.

Dinner and relaxing at Grandma's after the hike.

Ahhh what a day.

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