
Sunday, May 7, 2017

Farm days!

All the critters think spring is in the air also. We even have 6 new baby chicks...momma hatched in secret. Isn't she pretty, my only blue laced red Wyandotte. I need a couple more like her.
The proud parents.

Extreme baby close up. Momma hatched 2 golds, 2 reds, and 2 blues...can't wait to see what they grow out to look like.

The kiddos wanted to hold them a adorable.
My silly handsome guy, with a couple of cute chicks LOL.
Lily loves the babies.

Once the chicks were sent back to their mother, we moved on to spending some time with Matilda.
Matilda is cute...with a side of having a face only a mother could love LOL.

Well a mother, and a few kids. Matilda is coming around to belly rubs, she is settling in quite well.

I can not wait to see some colorful spotted piglets in a couple months!
Right now she is chilling in our too often unused buck pen...darn Hooch.
Can't keep the boy away from the ladies to save his life.
We visited with Molly for a while.

It is a good thing I had already decided to keep her...Hayden would not be too happy to see her leave.

Final stop on our sunny farm tour. A little time playing with Giles. It is so unfair the natural beauty animals have...some are just absolutely gorgeous.
Add that he is a total love to the fact he is amazing to look at...what a fantastic kitty we lucked into.
Little cat model right here.

Funny for today...Lily decided to hold, and lead, Anger Management classes (thanks Angry Birds). All the kids are required to go, and if you don't do as the bossy red head says...well that is just not an option. Wonder who put her in charge LOL.

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