
Monday, May 29, 2017

Giles, the herd cat.

One of these things is not like the others. Giles has been coming with me during herd patrol. The goats aren't too sure about him...and he isn't too sure about them either. I give it a week and we will all be best buddies.

He is just the coolest guy...I have never really had an outdoor cat before. He just roams around the property all day, usually never straying too far and always comes when I call him. I love me some Mr. Giles.
Yes I took a bunch more pictures today...I'm sure the rain will be back soon enough, can't miss my chances at days like these.

Hayden found another salamander. He is a chill and cooperative dude.

Not a girly girl this one.
He is so handsome!

All my does in a row LOL.
Classy is being a shit head to everyone. She may be up for sale in a couple years if she doesn't knock it off.
The wild feline stalking the prairie.
They will totally stomp you kitty.
Molly...about time for her first shave.

The tiny flowers are so cute...see them one day and they are overshadowed by other plants growing like crazy the next.

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