
Thursday, June 8, 2017


Our little birdie friend has been here for almost 2 months now, she is so fun! I haven't had a Cockatiel since I was a teenager, she reminds me why I enjoyed them so much.

Such a sweetie...still looking for a boyfriend for her, of course I'm being picky...I really want a PastelFace.

Still loves her cheeks rubbed.
Lakota is finally starting to try things...her orange beak is thanks to a carrot. She also tried a little bit of Honey-Comb cereal. She has even tried/played with dandelion and purple clovers we picked for her. She seemed to be having a blast.

In non feathered friend news...

This mom got taught quite the lesson by an 8 year old today. The trio's bday party is coming up. We told the kids they could each invite 2 friends to stay the night. Lily told me she wants to invite "A"....from previous discussions I know that "A" speaks a little English, is shy...and is pretty much mute at school. I told Lily inviting her was not a good idea (I was worried with her being so shy she wouldn't be comfortable at all). When Lily persisted I said "Lily if the girl doesn't talk why do you think you should invite her for a sleep over?...why do you think that would be fun?" My sweet sensitive daughter tears up and says "We have had very enjoyable note passing". I apologized for being narrow minded and told her she can invite whomever she wants. Owned. Very proud of my kids...they are good people.

Speaking of my wise young'uns, and it almost being Bday party time! Can't believe the trio are almost NINE! I'm planning to tone the party down this year...I know I always say that, but I am really going to try.

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