
Monday, June 5, 2017

Out with the herd.

Remember that single chick that was momma hatched in the blackberry last summer, they kept to themselves pretty much always, well this is that baby all grown up. She has never really been accepted into the flock, I think her mom kept her away too long. She is often with the goats or pigs...she is happy and healthy so I guess flocks can be over rated LOL.
She joins the herd out grazing...silly chicken.
Out enjoying another beautiful day on the farm.

Classy one of my girls due in mid July...can't wait, fingers crossed for some blue eyed babies!

Heidi due in July too...can't wait for more babies!

Lulu also due in July.

Molly baby...she is going to be so big when the new batch finally arrives.
Just laying back getting a little sun while the goats munch. Ahhh this is the life!

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