
Monday, July 10, 2017

Countdown to babies.

Exciting weeks coming up. Baby goats due any day now, baby piglets in a couple weeks...and more beautiful sunshine! I am not ready for summer to be half over already.

Molly strikes a pretty pose doesn't she...she has gotten so big.

Last rooster standing. It has been a hard year for our feathered friends this year.
Classy has about 5 days to go...can't wait to see what we get! Fingers crossed for does! If I can be really picky I want a blue eyed black doe.
Lulu I think has close to 3 weeks to go. Heidi probably 2 weeks.
I think Yahtzee, Taboo and Lena all got rebred by the fence jumper Hooch. So we will probably have more babies this fall, which will mess with next springs kids. At least he can't get out anymore.

Matilda is starting to get her milk bar, she probably has 3 more weeks to go too.
I switched to the KuneKune from the AGH because I was hoping to find something that rooted less. So far I am SO happy. My starter pair do not seem to root at all!!! Can't wait for our first babies next month! 

Matilda enjoying, not destroying, her pen!

Queen Bee is looking pregnant finally, she should have her piglets sometime in August too. So many much fun!
Speaking of babies. We hopefully will have our first litter of Dutch Shepherd puppies in September. These two have been a match made since they were born, thankfully all their health testing went well, and they are both titled in multiple events. Should be an amazing litter!
My "back yard" is so awesome. I was watching hummingbirds chase each other around my goat pens when a giant bald eagle flew right over head. He had already passed by by the time I remembered I had my camera LOL. We usually have red tailed hawks, osprey and owls...but the bald eagle showed up almost a week ago. Love all the birds of long as they are not trying to grab the chickens, baby goats...or Pepe LOL
The bald eagle.


He hovered over me...kinda neat view.

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