
Saturday, July 1, 2017

It's show time!

Today was the big day. The house was pretty packed, Grandma, Great Grandpa and Great Uncle Steve joined us to watch the play. The kids did amazing. So hard to believe they went from zero to performance in just 5 days. Incredible.

Some pics from during the show...and after as the cast came out for bows and photos.

Some of the music numbers were my fave...excellent job by the directors to get these kids to this level so quickly.

Xander and Lily had a blast, they already have been asking about doing another one. Hayden says she would join too...if it doesn't get in the way of basketball.

There were two performances, we took a break at the splash pad between shows...for the two that weren't busy with all things Peter and Wendy.

I told Hayden and Jericho to try not to get too wet...we didn't plan to stop here it was last minute, so no water appropriate clothing. The no getting wet at the splash pad idea didn't really happen LOL.

Selfies with mom a must every once in a while.

OK OK enough with the selfies.

They had a lot of fun...thankfully it was a hot day.

Pretty fun little spot...we'll be back!

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