
Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Piglets soon!

Miss Matilda is quite rotund hahaha. She has about 10 days left to go.
Poor Momma, her belly is about on the ground.
No one else has gone missing.
The goats are still not on Team Skeet, but I feel safer knowing she is out there.
This is about as close as they will get right now.
Water break...silly girl.
Queen B is quite a bit behind Matilda I think. She may even have another 3-4 weeks maybe. Almost time to get her moved over with Matilda, that pen is much nicer for mommas and babies.

Willie will have to wait until March for any more action LOL.

Willie blew his long lush ginger hair...can't wait for him to grow it back.
Matilda still enjoys her belly rubs. It's just getting harder and harder to get up and down LOL.
We are already in love with this girl! Yes, Jericho farmed in PJs today. No comment on what I was wearing. I wonder just how big she will get...December 16th she will be 1 LOL.

She is certainly a people lover.

The kids insisted on brushing her. She seemed happy to oblige.

Keeping an eye on the goats and the children. That a girl Skeet.

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