
Tuesday, September 12, 2017

They're here!

Kitsune has kept me in suspense for 3 days. Finally mid day yesterday she started the first stage of labor. The first stage can take forever...she was in it for almost 12 hours. Around 4 am this morning things were getting serious. The first puppy arrived at 4:35 am...with the last showing up at 9:40 am. She was making great time, most were 25-35 min apart...she did take an hour long break twice towards the end. We ended up with a gorgeous and strong litter of 9, 6 males and 3 females!
So proud of you Kitsune! I was pretty rusty, we haven't had pups since our oops litter 8 years ago. Thankfully my friend Michelle was able to be just a text away and kept me calm.

Kitsune took to her babies right away. She did start having a little calcium issue, it seems to be a common issue in some Dutch Shepherds. We have her on high doses for the next few days to a week.

She is a doting and protective momma.

We have them color coded so we know who is who...I think 3 or 4 of them might end up lighter like Lycan.

Nap time for all!

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