
Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Puppy playground!

We had to unload a cord of thought we would try to give the pups a little playground time while we worked. They tried out a few silly little "obstacles" and toys I tossed in. They are only 4 weeks old, super impressed with these babies. They also got to play with some kitties and Pepe too. They had a fun and busy afternoon...they crashed hard LOL.

The all checked everything out...every time I looked over tails were up and noses were busy.

A glass jar full of rocks.
Fun poking their noses around everywhere.
Walking on all kinds of surfaces.

Nice foot work Anya.
Today was the first time Pepe and the pups got to play. Pepe had the time of his life.
Dru kept playing peek a boo.

Pepe needs to enjoy his size advantage while it lasts...even if he gets ganged up on anyway.

Pepe and Army got into a little boxing match.

Wee baby Dutchie teeth.

Poor Pepe, it is never a fair fight.

Alvin took a turn.

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