
Thursday, December 14, 2017

Getting ready for snow.

Possibly looking at a week of snow coming our way. Well the nice December weather was great while it lasted.
The boys got a grooming and blankets. We tried out Hayden's Christmas gift...the saddle seems to fit well. I took Scooter for a little butt fit but there was no way I was getting into those short stirrups LOL

Quincy kept an eye on things.

The twins.

Looking good boys, stay warm out there.

Jericho got into our closet and went through ALL the gifts...Santa's included. I'm so angry at him right now. He is such a little turd. Not sure how I will fix this, I think the kids are doubtful of Santa, but we have always said if you don't believe you get underwear so they do I LOL.

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