
Sunday, December 31, 2017

Goodbye 2017

We finished out 2017 hanging out with some great friends. I can't complain about our 2017...we had a pretty fantastic year overall. Looking forward to a great 2018!

The kids had a great time, they played right up until midnight.

A little karaoke is always fun.

Red didn't appreciate the voices so much LOL.

A few fireworks.

I hope in 2018 my kids don't have to say goodbye to anymore dear friends. My poor girls...they make amazing friends and then have to suffer them moving away. Lily has been 3 hours from her bestie for longer than they were in school together. Now poor Hayden just found out her bestie moved to Idaho. We knew the move was coming but she thought it was a year away. Her friend called from Idaho to say she moved. My poor girl who HATES to let people see her cry went to her room and buried her face in a pillow. My heart broke for her.

This may have been the nicest December in the last few years. We got just enough snow to have a white Christmas, but otherwise it has been beautiful. Tonight we sat outside by a roaring fire until midnight and I didn't freeze to death.

Happy New Year guys...wishing us all a happy, healthy and prosperous 2018!

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