
Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Spring is trying.

A little wee sun break...ah can't wait for summer.
I admit I am a fair weather "farmer". Got to spend some time just enjoying the critters today.

These girls are as excited about the weather as I am...they hate the rain almost as much as I do.

Willow...little stinker, disappeared for 3 days. I thought a coyote or owl got her, she always comes in at night. I almost cried when I heard her meow at the back door tonight. She is grounded for a couple days.
Looks sorry that she scared me to death doesn't she?

Got a secret to share. I have figured out how to not only get some chips, but actually get most of the bag AND be able to eat them at your leisure. Buy chips so spicy you burn off your taste buds. Mom 1 Kids 0.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

The Velveteen Rabbit.

Our local theater is doing their "Rainy Day" events again this spring. Things kicked off today with 'The Velveteen Rabbit'. They had fun crafts, face painting and balloon animals too.

A couple cute bunnies.

The balloon guys is always funny.

Grandma came with, everyone enjoyed the play. The kids want to read the book now.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Can't win em all.

The girls team got whooped good today. I feel bad for Hayden, over half of her team (and her coaches) have never done this she doesn't get a lot of help. Usually we pull it out or at least keep it close, today they were smashed. Of course the game her Uncles and Aunt come to see LOL. Well it will help keep her from getting too cocky I guess.

A few pics from the games.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

A whistling lesson.

The cockatiels are in a moult, they look awful until their new feathers come in. They have 100% hit it off and have bonded as a pair. They are so cute together.

I'm trying to teach Apache the "Whistle Stop" tune from the Robin Hood song LOL. He doesn't say anything yet...I'm hoping he will start talking soon.

High girls Bball night. Pizza and watching the big girls play...always a fun night for Hayden and Lily.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Wrangling in the rain.

A little pig wrangling in the rain at a friends. We are going through a bit of a wet period, I hope the sun comes back soon.

Jason 1 Pig 0.

Got to see Simon and Tic Tac...they are so big and friendly.

Skeet likes her look out spot LOL.

Pretty agile for such a big dog.

Friday, January 19, 2018

On the mend.

It has been pretty quiet around here. It has been a rainy week...still better than snow. This winter has been super milk, wonder if we are in for a crazy hot summer.

Kitsune got hip xrays taken today for her PennHIP clearances. I hope the results don't take forever and come back good. Fingers crossed.

Jericho caught a little something, thankfully not the flu, but he did miss a few days of school. He has been having a good time, making a mess and playing with the mutts.

I'm healing up, slower than I expected but I will get there. My old man OJ loves all the down time spent snuggling on the couch.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Beautiful January!

Today was first day trying to walk much more than from the bathroom to the couch. Walked around the farm a little, probably over did it...but the rain is supposed to be back tomorrow.
I took my first spill off a horse, ever, on Saturday. Quincy did some minor bucking and off I came.
I wish I wasn't in so much pain, I would love to get back on him and give his butt a serious work out. They have been stalled for almost 2 weeks, because they kept busting fences in their weak spots. So I know they are feeling cooped up, but that is no reason to kick up your heels and lose your rider...who was bareback. Turd.

Skeet got some time to run around today. She is such a good girl, I just hope once we finally turn her loose she doesn't roam too far.
Big girl for 13 months old. Hayden won her first Bball game on a lot, they lost their second game by 4 points though.

Cute fluff ball.
The piglets are growing slowly, I think the AGH grow a bit faster than the KK...that's OK not in a hurry.

Willie is pretty much all grown up now.

Goth our last AGH barrow, is slated for butcher 1/31...yummy!
This guy is a sweetie!

We got all our adult goats bred, fingers crossed. Babies should start arriving late April!

Hayden got Pepe a new little name and phone number tag, she is so proud LOL.