
Monday, January 15, 2018

Beautiful January!

Today was first day trying to walk much more than from the bathroom to the couch. Walked around the farm a little, probably over did it...but the rain is supposed to be back tomorrow.
I took my first spill off a horse, ever, on Saturday. Quincy did some minor bucking and off I came.
I wish I wasn't in so much pain, I would love to get back on him and give his butt a serious work out. They have been stalled for almost 2 weeks, because they kept busting fences in their weak spots. So I know they are feeling cooped up, but that is no reason to kick up your heels and lose your rider...who was bareback. Turd.

Skeet got some time to run around today. She is such a good girl, I just hope once we finally turn her loose she doesn't roam too far.
Big girl for 13 months old. Hayden won her first Bball game on a lot, they lost their second game by 4 points though.

Cute fluff ball.
The piglets are growing slowly, I think the AGH grow a bit faster than the KK...that's OK not in a hurry.

Willie is pretty much all grown up now.

Goth our last AGH barrow, is slated for butcher 1/31...yummy!
This guy is a sweetie!

We got all our adult goats bred, fingers crossed. Babies should start arriving late April!

Hayden got Pepe a new little name and phone number tag, she is so proud LOL.

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