
Sunday, February 4, 2018

You are crazy Phil!

I don't care what that rodent thinks he saw...I am calling for an early spring dang it! Down with Phil.

We have a boy looking for a home! I am so proud of the 'A' litter pups, they are turning out fantastic. I am also so happy with the homes they have. Our pups are very important to us, as is being a responsible breeder. Each new owner signed a contract agreeing we are to get the dog back at any time for any reason if a new home is ever needed...we take this very seriously. We do as much checking out of the new homes our pups go to as we can, and feel we made wonderful choices. Even so, sometimes things come up that were not foreseen by anyone and out of our control. Such an unfortunate thing happened for "Wick". He was returned to us today and will be looking for a new family. He was very loved and raised in a wonderful home for the last few months...his being returned was not easy and was in no way due to anything concerning Wick. He is gorgeous and in great shape, current on his shots. He is house and crate trained and knows his basic obedience. He remembers my kids and already loves them. He is going to be on the small-medium side, probably 65ish pounds once full grown. I am going to give him a couple days to settle in before I see just what he knows and where his drives are. He was in an active family home, but with his pedigree likely has drive to dabble in IPO...or any other dog activities. We stopped at Tractor Supply on our way home today to grab a couple things...he did great. If you or anyone you know are looking for a male Dutchie get a hold of me.

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