
Monday, April 2, 2018

Ready for kitten spam?

OK goat kids or puppies are due until April 20th. So prepare yourselves for kitten spam until then LOL. I woke up to 4 still wet, but safely delivered in the box, kittens. Way to go Willow!

Meet Triton the orange boy, Maddie the girl with the most white, mittens with the white legs and Milly the darkest girl. Names thanks to the children LOL
Willow makes a litter easy to sex. Kittens can be difficult to tell boy vs girl, most orange tabby cats are boys, the other 3 being tortishell/calico/torbie color makes them near impossible to be boys. I thought she was going to have 5, but 4 is it.

The kids are only allowed to handle them once a day right is hard keeping them away LOL.

Momma is doing a great job. She is OK with sharing her babies for short visits. At first she wanted to grab them up and run back to her box...but then she relaxed a bit.

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