
Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Mani pedi anyone.

Our mobile kidding unit kids and moms got released back to the herd today. Skeet got to check out her new charges. She is still young, and learning to not get too playful with the animals, but she is doing real well.
She is about ready to spend a lot more time off her line, so the large chains you see hanging from her collar are to add weight and annoyance to her if she tries to chase or run after the critters. It is called a dangle, and is her next step in Livestock guardian training. Around 2 years old she should be ready to be totally free with her herd.
She is such a good girl!
This is Fergie, she is staying here with us!

Sisters still sharing kid duties.

Another visit for the pups and kittens today.

More nail trims. I haven't quicked anyone yet!

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