
Friday, June 15, 2018

So sorry baby goats.

Hung out with the goats for a little bit, before I had to grab two of the boys and perform my first disbuddings. I have watched my friend do them for almost the last 3 kidding was time I took the plunge.

Funny babies!

Fergie girl...can't wait to see her grow up a little more.

Lovely Lena.

Cora, she is looking so pretty!

My little keeper buck this year...Funky.

His sister GiGi, my fave keeper doeling this year.

The disbudding went OK...hopefully the boys don't need to be redone, bucks are the hardest.

We have a new barn kitty around here. Her name is Maggie, she is a staystray...her last home was able to tame her down and she ended up being quite sweet. Hopefully she will stick around.

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