
Sunday, July 8, 2018

A great day, that almost went really bad.

We had an amazing time at the river today. We brought the dogs, their toys and a little picnic. Almost 3 hours are pure fun, before things turned bad.

This is the part that almost went really bad. My watchful for your dogs ingesting too much water! We had a lovely afternoon at the river, spent 3 hours playing with the dogs and kids. Mostly in the shady areas and the water. Just as we were packing up the car to go home Kitsune started walking like she was drunk and foaming. Not 5min after we noticed her walking funny she collapsed and started seizing. I freaked about heat stroke, even though I felt she had stayed cool and Lycan was totally fine. Of course it was Sunday at 3:30...and my vet who does emergency after hours was out on a farm call. We are not usually rush to the vet people, but I knew this was bad. My vet sent us 40 min away to the closest 24 hr 365 clinic. I suggest you all find your nearest clinic just so you know where it is in case of a freak emergency. We got her there but it did not look good. I thought she was a dead dog. When Jason walked her into the clinic she was hanging just completely lifeless tongue hanging out, she had had like 10 seizures in the back of the car on the drive to the vets and was totally unresponsive. After getting her in and starting to work on her the vets found her sodium and sugar were bottomed out...temp was on low end of normal. They asked about a lot of things and we started narrowing it down to WATER TOXICITY. She was chasing the wake waves and biting them a lot during our stay...I didn't even think it could be dangerous. She had to spend 24 hours in the ER...but it looks like she will recover, thank goodness. Many dogs are not as lucky and do not survive. It could have been a lot worse, especially if I didn't go with my gut and get a hold of the vet right away. We were so scared to lose our crazy girl.

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