
Sunday, July 29, 2018

Back to the grind.

Came home to a surprise. Willow had a premature kitten today (two DOA's also)...not sure why or if she is done and the others will cook longer. Mom is not in any distress and doesn't seem to be in labor, I still see babies in there moving around on ultrasound.
This little girl weighs 2.5 oz, and doesn't have fur on her paws or chest area yet...I hope she makes it. The kids have named her Tiny...she is a little tortishell.

Our babies are growing well...almost not babyish anymore. This is Red, she is staying here.

A couple of her sisters, still available.

My keeper buckling "Bruno" fingers crossed he turns out nice.

Another keeper girl "Cora" love her!
Skeet is enjoying more freedom these days...she is doing great.
Tomorrow is our first Linear Appraisal through ADGA. Some last minute tattoos and shaving to get done.
This is messy business.
Jericho helped shave too.

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