
Wednesday, July 11, 2018

No rest for the wicked.

Check ups for my big kids today. The triplets will be TEN on Thursday. Wow.
 Xan is 4 ft 8 1/2” and 77 lbs
Haddie 4 ft 10” 82 lbs
Bug 4 ft 8 1/2” 73 lbs
Quite a ways from their 3 1/2 lb start!
I told them to get to the other side of the room and be quiet while I talked to their Doc...they think they are being funny lining up with their nose in the corner.

Jericho got a check up too, 4 ft 2” 50 lbS.
Kitsune had her recheck today. Everything looks great, normal blood levels. She is acting like herself, still maybe not 100% but almost. Vet said we were very lucky. I agree.
Hayden’s bestie is staying with us for a week...the kids are already working on longer LOL. Kaylee loves Idaho, but the girls miss each other so much.

First up...swimming!

She is dreaming. Kitsune and “rest” do not mesh well LOL. Sorry girl, no playing for a couple more days.
Hayden and Kaylee had a nice evening ride on Scooter.
Quincy got a little work out too. Have not ridden near enough this summer.

They are so they get to spend time together!

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