
Thursday, August 9, 2018

Wild Waves fun!

It is official, our annual trip to the Enchanted Forest has switched to an annual trip to Wild Waves. This place is a blast now that the kids are older...they are just too old for Enchanted Forest.

We had a great time!

They aren't excited at all.

Xander is just strong enough of a swimmer to jump off this cliff and swim to the steps out...with Jason within reach.

After the boys did it a couple times, so did I.
Xander did so great!

The girls.

Waiting for dad to come shooting out the tubes.

Jericho is swimming like a pro now too!

Grandma watch out, they take no prisoners.

Lunch break before ride time.

Hayden's feet are almost as big as mine...and I wear a size 9.
Half the day getting wet, the other half getting tossed about. Jericho was glad to be tall enough for everything this year!

Great end to an amazing day!

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