
Wednesday, September 26, 2018

She is here!!

Lily got the 1st Student Of The Month this year...way to go bug!

A 12 hour flight, a 3 hour delay, and another 2 plus hours waiting to clear customs, I finally got to meet my wee striped cutie. She was so happy to meet me, nothing but tail wagging and lots of licks. AND a totally clean crate, don't ask me how this little 11 week old managed that, but I was very very grateful LOL. Everyone meet Miss Baya!

2 hours from home, battery dies. Well we will just get to know each other better, while hubby comes to the rescue. So in love already!
She is just the cutest little peanut!!!
Waiting for our ride, she took a little nap.
My rescuers finally arrived. The kids should be in bed, but they couldn’t wait to meet Baya. Already the arguments over who gets to hold her LOL!

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