
Saturday, November 3, 2018

Country wedding.

My sister got married today, it was a small quick and no fuss kinda thing.
There was some scrambling, the local flower shop ran out of flowers and couldn't make my sisters small bouquet and Adam's boutonniere. So while Allie got herself ready, Jason ran to Safeway bought some flowers in her colors and then I made up her wedding flowers. Never done it before, they turned out pretty thankfully.

 The second thing that didn't go "right" was the weather. It was a foggy gray shady day...thankfully it didn't rain too much, but with my camera lens not zooming properly the less than perfect weather made my pictures not turn out not as I hoped they would. I have a new lens on my Christmas list.

They were going to get married at our place, but then Jason and I showed them the spot at our neighbors that we plan to have our renewal at. They loved it as much as we do. I just wish we had more sun.
It was a lovely wedding.

Congrats to my beautiful sister and her handsome hubby!

Lots of kids and family celebrated the day.

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