
Thursday, November 8, 2018

Sunny days....

Time flies. 4th grade 10 year olds are so grown up! I'm such a lucky mom.

My small pack...they make me feel safe, they make me smile and laugh, they make me proud and a little crazy too LOL.

Pepe has a snarl ready any time Baya steps out of line. Little turd.

So handsome.
Willow spying on the dogs.
Baya 4 months and adorable as ever.

Well darn. 25 days post my 7 year old son accidentally exposing Kitsune to Lycan. Looks like we are expecting babies around December 15th. I will do another scan in 5-7 days..,make sure things are progressing. Ugh winter babies, not my idea of fun. Jericho will be on puppy poopsicle duty.

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