
Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Almost done for the season.

Xander and Lily are almost done for the year...hope my fatigue isn't showing when I say thank goodness!!! Lily's cute team pic.
Bug came home not feeling well today. Her b-ball team had a game tonight, and they were already short 3. Hayden graciously...begged, um offered to fill in for Lily. Lily’s team has had a tough season, today they won 19 to 5...Hayden played 3 quarters and was a big help.
I did not raise my handsome hunk Lycan. I knew him his whole life, but he wasn’t mine until he was around 18mo old. A lot of negative things can be learned in that short of time. A big one for him to overcome has been handling his feet and nail trims. He has gotten much better, but it is still far from his favorite thing. I do short and often sessions with the dremel. Baya has been getting the same, and she does awesome. Today I am sporting some dremel burn from an accidental hand jerk. Ouch.

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