
Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Merry Christmas to ME!

Percy has been a naughty Elf.

Merry Christmas to me. I’ve had a kit lens on my camera since buying it many years ago. Old man OJ managed to knock my camera off the bar (he did not get in trouble since he was so old) and banged up my lens. Perfect excuse to buy this baby, finally. Can’t wait to play with it. Lots of photos coming your have been warned.

Sunshine today, perfect to try out the new toy! The kids lost another ball to Mr. Destructo.
10 days to go for my chunky momma.
Baya is almost 5mo and such a big girl now.

Kitsune got some stick stuck in her teeth LO

The three amigos.

My new, to me, ride. It is a bit smaller than the Excursion but still seats 7 and the dogs. No more taking the Excursion everywhere...that thing is so dang big, I was getting tired of driving it LOL. Now we will use it just to haul the RV and trailers.

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