
Tuesday, December 18, 2018

One of those days.

Winter Program at the kids school today. Always a great show!
These pics show our entire K-5 student body. Love our small school so much. So sad the trio only have a year left before graduating.
Their music teacher, Mrs. Blum, is a blessing to these kids. Amazing, and talented, lady.
Mr. my eye on you my little elf.

The kids love getting to play different instruments.

After the show I had to do some farm calls to ultrasound some goats. My second stop I got to meet some alpacas. I'm trying to talk Hayden into letting the horses go and getting a few of these guys instead. So far no deal.

A couple of the goats were serious overachievers.
While I was busy ultrasounding critters Jason took Lily to her end of Bball season party. She gets sucked in to playing every year because she falls in love with her team mates. She had a blast.

ENS continues, day 1 of ESI...sage is the scent of the day. Some big inhales followed by snorts LOL.
I jot down a note of how each puppy did on that day. Right now there isn't much to say. As they get a little older I usually see more reaction to things. I do note if someone is more feisty with the ice vs upside down etc...once we see more reaction to one thing over the other.
We have 2 males not spoken for yet.

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