
Tuesday, December 25, 2018

The gift of family

The house looks like a tornado hit. My coffee kept getting cold. A couple of the gifts we are already scared about...they got Chromebooks this year. The smiles didn't stop this morning. The "I love you's" and "You are the best parents ever" rang out lots. Merry Christmas guys and gals! XOXO!

We try to do the "4 gift thing" Something wanted, something needed, something to wear and something to read. Santa brings a gift and stockings, and each kid gets something for their siblings.

Santa doesn't usually upstage Mom and Dad, but he did good this year.

Jericho got Lily Clue.

Some Legos for Hayden...they love building these together.

Xander got this for Hayden, should be fun this summer...maybe.

The girls got the boys 2 sets of laser tag...these are going to be fun if they make it until summer.

Hayden got Lily a Mal spell book, now she has one for both movies.

Jericho got Xan this little handheld arcade game.

Awww made my day!

Mom and Dads big gift to the kids, their own Chromebooks.

Santa's little helpers are starting to open their eyes. Had to do cute Christmas I hope to never have a winter litter ever again LOL.

Time to wind down. What a day!

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