
Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Bye bye mascara.

My newest tattoo. This turtle has been a long time coming. I wanted to get it done while Jason and I were in Hawaii for our 1 year anniversary, but got a pretty bad sunburn on my foot and ended up waiting. 12 years, and a different design, later I finally got it done. Healing up nicely!

Got lash extensions today. I am hearing all the lash puns from my wonderfully witty, and soon to be injured, husband. They are so cool! I will be doing something about my brows soon LOL.
Botox and a chemical peel are looking real good as well...shhh don't tell my husband.

So this new lady with her cleaning, and organizing, and special folding is all the rage right now. Ha!
Oh Marie... I would love things to look this neat and organized. If only my kids would leave shit alone. All I see here is a couple basket ships waiting to be fueled up....complete with laser spray bottle blasters, who cares if everything is sticky and smells like hairspray (I think they have learned not to aim for the eyes...I hope). A couple helmets in case flying gets rocky or enemy forces are encountered. Oh and of course it would be snowing cotton ball size snow flakes. A hamper cave to dump out everywhere and hide in after landing the basket ship in enemy territory. Can’t forget the beautiful clean white towels...without stains that washing never gets out...they make great blankets and pillows when the busy day leaves my kids too tired to put everything back, so tired they just need a quick nap on the beautiful white towels on my floor. Maybe when they are 12. Looks lovely though. If only...

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