
Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Get it while you can!

OK, today may be our last nice day for a stretch. So I am risking overloading you with even more puppy pics LOL. Today the babies got to play with Baya and Pepe...and Lycan was there too, though he has zero interest in babies (other than making them LOL).
Baya was a bit over excited, and Lycan ran over a couple...always does, but the pups rolled with it. Loved seeing Auntie teach them she has no milk (after 100 checks, she was totally patient)...gentle but firm, dog language is very cool.
They LOVE being outside already. They rallied big hills, sticks, even blackberry branches. I tried to tally up all the surfaces these guys have walked on so far...cloth, hardwood floors, grass, mud/dirt, gravel, crunchy leaves, wood chips and plastic. Today we will start the 3rd round of dewormer...and cut nails for the 3rd time.
Fun Auntie Baya!

Woods walk...and trying to stay out of mom and dads tug of war game.

Meeting Pepe.

I have been asked for a business card a few times I decided to have some made up.

Remember this cutie? Willow’s ginger baby has been living with a friend, but her dog just wasn’t making life easy. So Waffles has come back to us. After loosing OJ, this handsome orange tabby...who loves laps, is a welcome addition around here.

Not even 10 months old, and he is almost 11 lbs. Going to be a big boy!

I thought he would be more long hair, right now he is like a medium hair with a very fluffy tail.

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