
Friday, February 15, 2019

Building together.

High school girls Bball game. Jericho kept everyone entertained. Sadly our team lost.

Then we came home and got to work on 4 IKEA dressers to assemble. Good thing Jason has an eager assistant.

I feel like I am always bragging about Kitsune...but I have another story to share. Tonight as Jason and Jericho are putting together the IKEA dressers, they are using an electric drill. Lycan can get a little over excited with certain things, and on occasion has not been able to conduct himself properly if he gets too worked up. Jericho has been nipped, out of excitement, a couple times. So I'm on the couch watching the boys work, and start to notice Kitsune is riding rough shot over Lycan, low growling and basically riding his ass. Then the drill goes off again and I can see Lycan get excited. I put 2 and 2 together. Kitsune is playing defense for Jericho, she is reminding Lycan to keep himself under control and to not even think about nipping her boy. She is not letting Lycan out of her site...and gives him a low growl if he even looks at Jericho while he is running the drill LOL. I love this girl.

Waffles always in on the fun.

Only made 2 of the dressers tonight. One tired boy, this is Kitsune’s “I’m not on the couch...but I’m snuggling” half on half off position LOL.

Everyone wants to snuggle with Jericho. Waffles turn.

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