
Monday, February 11, 2019

Feeling Frosty.

It always surprises me when my "indoor" child gets the urge to play outside...and then outdoes herself. No school for us today. So Lily got busy building Frosty!

Nice work Bug!

A little lesson in personal responsibility today. Jericho throwing snowballs at the window, to annoy Xander. Xander screaming his head off for Jericho to stop. Jericho of course didn’t stop. Xander slapped the window and broke it. All games, chromebooks and tv shows gone for 2 weeks, for both boys. They are lucky we are about to remodel the playroom and are losing the windows anyway. I hope I survive the next two weeks LOL.

Chilling with Waffles.

The last of the pups leave very soon. I am ready for a break!

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