
Sunday, February 24, 2019

Keep on keeping on...some more.

Quincy healed up really well...almost can’t tell he sliced open his leg!
Might be time for a float. Scooter has dropped some weight, and he seems to drop a lot of food also.
Look at the difference between their dishes...or around their dishes I should say. Poor old guy.
Nice weather is coming boys!

Mr. Man ran around with me today. He couldn’t keep up and ended up passing out by the end LOL
We were having a fight about him staying in his seat. The paw was silent protest...possibly even a middle toe LOL.

Raising a sound pup is work, some breeds more than others. Defensive period/fear period. Some will tell you these “periods” don’t actually exist. I find they do, I find timing, age, length of said period can can what bugs any given dog. I think Captain is going through one a bit right now at 10 weeks. He alerts on odd things, a silly bag of dog food at the pet store, for instance...but not the giant forklift at Home Depot LOL. He also met a half dozen strange adults today, only barked at 1 of them. Exposure and socializing is important, even during these times, just don’t push too hard. Last week they may have loved everything, this week stuff may cause them worry or elicit a different response. You do not have a broken or defective dog, they are just going through a trying time, they need your leadership and guidance to navigate them through it. Don’t quit, but do back it up to where they are comfortable. If they can sit 10 feet away and watch quietly, but at 5 feet away they bark...back off. Work on engaging them with food or toys at their comfort zone, gradually decreasing distance. Just a little tip, on how I do things.

Off to his new home soon, clean bill of health from the vet.

Skeet is such a funny girl. Still loves her high vantage point...standing on the fence LOL. I ordered a DNA kit...can't wait to see if she is the LGD breeds I was told she was.

We did nails today. He was dramatic, but he didn’t get out of it and we got them all done...without any blood.

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