
Monday, March 18, 2019

Hurry up grass.

Beautiful day. Snow is gone! These two...and the goats, and the piggies, are all ready for some grass growth! The winter has been long. Took the blankets off the horses, and see Mr. Scooter has lost weight. He is on a bunch of yummy, and hopefully helpful, supplements now. He has been dropping food out of his he is going in for a float at the vet Friday. Fingers crossed that is all he needs. Quincy looks great...and his leg healed up just fine.

Little tiny LadyBug in Scooters hair LOL.
Scooter finished his, then grabbed the handle of Quins dish and pulled it closer to him, they shared the rest LOL.

Scooter is loving his extras...Quincy gets a little just to not feel left out.

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