
Friday, March 15, 2019

It's showtime!

The kiddos dressed up for St Patty's at school today. They looked adorable, but apparently everything itched, and nothing stayed in place LOL.

Hayden complained the most...that is totally a fake smile LOL.

My big 10 1/2 year cute! Jericho wore a green tie but couldn't be bothered for pictures.

After school it was time for Lily to get ready for her play. Many long weeks of work for a 1 night performance. Bug had a great time, and all the kids did fantastic!

Great cast, set...such a fun play.

I love this picture!

A little dark and hard to see Lily, but I love this pic!

I keep waiting to do the flower thing for when she gets a more serious part. One of her cast mates got two bunches of flowers, ran up to Lily and gave her one. Lily was blown away...and so proud to have this beautiful bunch.

A little celebratory ice cream after the play!

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