
Friday, March 8, 2019

Mixed bag.

The cooties found me, I stayed in bed most of the day. This kid is very entertaining when you are not feeling well. Lily wrote a book. ‘Adventures Of The Bestie Girls’ ....featuring best friends, and secret superhero crime fighters...”K Girl” and “Lucky Girl”. She is sending her bestie, Kalaya, a copy.

Also wanting to have this guy. Not feeling well, here this toy will help. Maybe if you throw it? Just a suggestion. LOL.

Lions, Tigers and Bears, Oh My! Holy crap...nothing like getting a reminder you live among wildlife. We are at the 2700 block...(we have seen coyote and bobcat on our property) these pics are taken from a game cam at the 3200 block of our same road. Pics are dated 12/18 and 1/19. Time for another safety chat with the kids.

Hayden made the Roots 4th/5th grade tourney team. Here we go again!

OK gotta put my .02 out there. Don’t fall for the anti-vaxer smoke screen. This is far deeper than that. We did vaccinate our kids, on a delayed spread out schedule. I’m not looking to fight over science vs poison, safety vs greed. This is about giving an inch and having them take a mile. Where will it stop? Maybe the better question is just how far could it go? Scary.

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