
Saturday, April 20, 2019

Balls, eggs and hair.

Game day! Jericho had a couple near goals today, it was a good game!

Xander’s turn. He got a nice base hit.

When we got home it was time to dye some eggs!

Food coloring in rice...this is one of my fave methods.

Poor Willow, she is having a tough time drying up. Heating pad time.

Good thing she loves to cuddle and chill.

Beautiful day to get covered in horse hair. Hayden and I ran out of arm before the boys ran out of hair. They loved every second of it. Quincy was feeling very lovey today. Scooter is looking more like himself...himself mixed with some wooly mammoth LOL. He is still a bit ribby, but I think it may be more needing to gain some muscle than a lack in diet. I think he is ready to start working out.

Quincy is leaving us to go back to his owner in a couple days...he will be missed.

We have enjoyed having him the last two years...but I know his owner is so excited to have him back.

My girls...loving the sun and green.

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