
Monday, April 22, 2019

Goodbye to an old friend.

Poor Scooter. His buddy Quincy left, and he has been calling for him ever since. Going to stall him for a couple days so hopefully he won’t run around like a crazy man burning all his calories searching for his friend. He has the funniest shed going on, summer on top...spring in the middle and winter on bottom LOL. We are on the look out for a new gelding to join the fam...hopefully he won't be alone long.

Somehow a honey bee was in the house today, about to be a zesty Willow snack. Not sure where she came from but I released her outside. Summer hurry up!

Last night, after picking up Skeet we ran out of gas on the way home. What is worse than running out of gas an hour and a half from home? Running out of gas an hour and a half away from home in a cell service dead zone. Thank goodness a couple cars pulled over to see if Skeet and I needed help. 4 guys pushed the car off the road, then they were nice enough to give us a ride to get some gas and then bring us back to the hour round trip. Blew me away, didn’t think people stopped to help others these days...especially out in the middle of nowhere in Tillamook. Met the nicest people and what could have been me and Skeet walking for who knows how long to find cell service turned out not so bad. Thankfully they were not axe murdering crazy people...big plus LOL. My saviors this guy, his girlfriend Monica and their dog Tulip. Need to pay it forward for sure.

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