
Monday, April 29, 2019

My first stitches.

Started out such a nice day. Jason got some more done on the addition, the sun was out, all the critters were enjoying themselves.

Scooter that is the goats stall, not yours.

Taboo still has a little over a month to go. She had quads last year, think we may be looking at that again this year.

The piggies were napping in the sun.

I decided to trim my girls hooves, got done with 10, then grabbed a yearling to do hers.
End of good day.
As I was switching from her back legs to her front she started to fight to get away. I went to grab her with both hands, forgetting I had the shears in one hand and just slit my thumb like butter. It started gushing immediately. I could tell I was in I closed my fist and went running for the hubby, thank goodness he was home. As I was running blood was flying off my closed fist. He got me to the sink, and made me rinse it in water. I almost puked and passed out right then...then I swear my throat started to close up and I could not get a deep breath. He saw it under the water and said we have to go to the ER. I couldn't I was about to fall over so I asked him to get me to the couch so I could try to calm down first. Kitsune would not leave me...she just stood there and I petted her and tried to calm down. Then I started shaking all over. Finally he made me get up and get to the car. We were driving down the drive way as the kids got off the bus. They wanted to see it and go with...I couldn't, I tried not to cry in front of them but I was starting to lose it. While I was at the ER they texted asking how I was and for PICTURES LMAO. The Doctor put 3 stitches in...should of put a couple more but oh well. It hurts like a lot...even with the Norco. I can't do a damn thing with that hand without hurting it or feeling the stitches tug...and the throbbing ugh. They have me on antibiotics since I was covered in horse and goat poop. So not fun.

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