
Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Some y'all crazy!

What happened to people agreeing to disagree? Why must it get out of control? Doesn't even matter the subject, crazy intolerant people come out of the wood work on anything and everything.

 This is just 1 topic that caught my attention today. The whole men under attack, yes...some suck (news flash so do some women) but certainly not all of them are pigs. I seriously worry for my two sons sometimes, people just take things to the extreme.

 How about “we are different but equal and there is value in the things that make us uniquely different”? Sure I can open my own door...but I can absolutely appreciate and be happy to let my hubby open it for me. I don't know why things have to get so fanatical. Ladies, it is OK to be a lady.

Don't get me started on guns, vaccines, disposable diapers, declawing cats, circumcision, breeding animals, eating animals...the list goes on, as does the crazy. Just do and let live...different takes all kinds, am I the only one who remembers those old adages? 

Waffles and Lily Bug watching Zootopia. Good night y'all...PEACE out.

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