
Friday, May 31, 2019

Missed out on the field trip.

I love our little school. When I say little I mean our entire K-5 student body, teachers, staff and chaperones fit on THREE buses little. Everyone had a fun filled school wide field trip to the park LOL. I missed the fun waiting on a goat to kid, Jason dutifully took a few pics for me.
They had a blast!

The lemonade drinking fountain was a big hit with all the kids...except Lily, she has never been a fan.

Salamander catch and release games.

Finally...shortly AFTER the kids got home from school, Heidi decided to release the hostages. Heidi had a small audience...thankfully she didn't mind. Hayden and her friend Loretta thought the babies were adorable, despite their gooeyness LOL.

Twins...1 boy 1 girl.

Jericho picked a lovely edible bouquet for the proud mom.

Such cute babies!

Baya and Kitsune meet our oldest babies this year.

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