
Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Back into full crazy swing.

Another play for Lily. They practice all week, show is on Saturday. She has so much fun participating in these shows.

Another basketball camp for Hayden. 3 full days of playing with college girls. She is loving it.

Entertained waiting for Hayden to be done today.

Hanging with the babies for a bit today. They are so silly and bouncy.

When you have a great seat to watch the fight, but the guy in front of you won't stay seated.
Photo bomb in 3...2....1.

Hayden would NEVER admit it, but there are times Pepe annoys the heck out of her. He MUST be within Hayden touching distance at all times...not even kidding. Sometimes she boots him outside just for a little peace and to rest her Chi toting arm. Pepe of course makes a break for the door to come back inside anytime it gets opened. Hayden just put him out...5 min later Xander walks back in with him. Hayden bugged that her Pepe break was so short starts to yell at Xander. Xander looks at her and says "Thunder and lightening Hayden, do you want your dog to be crisp?" LMAO

I wear a size 9. My almost 11 year old daughter has huge feet...and she is 5'2" already!

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