
Friday, June 21, 2019

Day 2...could have been better.

Day 2. Got lost and our 4 hour ride turned into 7 LOL. We came to an unmarked fork...after 2 hours of pretty strenuous trail...I did not want to back track. We decided to take a right, and of course picked wrong. We ended up on a gravel logging road...which was hard on the horses. We got off and walked for about 40 min before we finally decided to just turn back and go the way we came. It sucked. Still a fun beautiful ride, but Hayden got scared that we were REALLY lost and started crying (we were still within the acres of the I wasn't freaking out). We got back just before dark, Jason was out looking for us and about to notify the ranger station...but other than really tired horses all ended well thankfully. Having no cell service made things worse...must think of a solution to that.

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