
Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Master Oogway.

Two more cute little boy babies. Girls better step it up, it is looking like a sausage fest over here LOL.

Hayden was on our schools track team for the day again, love our school...but full of track stars we are not LOL. The kids all had fun at least.

Dani came with...the kids were extra obnoxious for her LOL

Almost Hayden's whole KYB basketball team was there.

Lily has a new friend. Meet wee Master Oogway. She wanted a guinea pig, I wanted her to have something lower maintenance LOL. He is the cutest little thing ever!!

Oogway is a 5 week old Hermann's Tortoise, he will reach around to 6-10" big...they are one of the smaller species. He is so cute to watch eat. His tiny mouth opens huge to take tiny bites.

Lily's decorations, and rules.

Waffles watched...don't think he is too interested in Oogway though.

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