
Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Good doggy.

Out hanging with the goaties. We see something in Skeet's mouth. Rowan and Jericho go to get a closer look. Skeet was carrying TWO baby bunnies...and they were ALIVE, and not hurt at all. She placed them in the grass and when one would hop away she would go get it and bring it back. We carefully took them from her (sometimes LGDs can take their job a little too serious and once they have adopted something they do not want to give it up...thankfully she was OK) and walked around the back pasture area until Skeet showed us where she had found them. Their nest was still warm and cozy with fur. We put them back...they are right about the age to leave the nest though so pretty sure they will be out and about again soon.

The babies are getting big...almost time to go to their new homes.

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