
Thursday, August 1, 2019

Way to start out August.

I’m hooked. This amazing WHITE coffee and long Dutch Bros.

The three stooges.

One week down. Splint change today. Still not setting her hoof correctly, we are going to splint for another week and recheck.

Gotta love Kaiser. Jason got stabbed with metal at work on 7/12. He pulled it out himself. His poor finger was painful and swollen, but his let’s wait and see brain kicked in. Finally 7/29 he goes to the Doctor because it still isn’t 100%. Missed metal. They set him up to CONSULT a surgeon on 8/8 to make a plan to take it out. No rush. Take your time. No antibiotics, but they did give him a Tdap.

Well a couple days later it started moving and swelling. So they made things happen and got it out. 5 stitches to close up the fishing expedition since it moved from where it was on the xray.

Snuggled in watching Spider-Man.

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